is the nicer net.
nyssr.net is
It is designed to replace a wide variety of techniques with a single, simple approach.
Additionally, it simplifies development by breaking down applications into many reusable modules.
Unlike conventional distribution approaches, the management of large applications is simplified, as the system takes over this task.
It handles the
It offers communication services that have never been available with such simplicity, such as
It enables the distribution of an application's modules across the entire system without configuration, and also
A simple model is used for
What can I achieve with this?
- Scalability, redundancy, and fault tolerance
Rapid application development - Independent teams instead of large developer groups
- Independent and decentralized deployment of modules
- Simple maintenance of small modules instead of exhaustive testing of even the smallest changes
- Low learning curve, as the system handles many tasks
- Quick onboarding of new developers
- Reduced code aging by using small modules
Shorter time to market -
All these factors lead to significant cost savings and more enjoyment in development
Special offer!
Would you like to create
a web application based on nyssr.net,
or do you want to update or expand
an existing program?
Make us an offer!