
nyssr.net is the nicer net.


nyssr.net is an integrated Java framework for creating distributed applications .

It is designed to replace a wide variety of techniques with a single, simple approach.

Additionally, it simplifies development by breaking down applications into many reusable modules.

Unlike conventional distribution approaches, the management of large applications is simplified, as the system takes over this task.

nyssr.net replaces REST microservices, JMS, message brokers, service resolution, load balancing, traditional software updates , and more.

It handles the integration of decentralized databases, machines, and local software , and provides local services across the entire network.

It offers communication services that have never been available with such simplicity, such as broadcasts, object-to-object messages, forwarding, global notifications, observers , and more.

It enables the distribution of an application's modules across the entire system without configuration, and also provides load balancing at the functional level , state machines, messaging jobs, and more.

A simple model is used for creating distributed server-based web applications , where each dialog, parts of dialogs, or even individual widgets can be deployed independently of the rest or the location of the application.

What can I achieve with this?

Special offer!

Would you like to create
a web application based on nyssr.net,
or do you want to update or expand
an existing program?
Make us an offer!


nyssr.net - Innovative Distributed System