This class describes a node in a TreeView. This node is identified by an ID string. It can contain a text and an icon.
Some attributes can be set for the node:
- foreground color
- background color
- border
- font
- tool tip
In addition, each TreeNode can have children nodes.
The constructor gets the ID, the text and the icon of the TreeNode.
CEventTreeNode(@NotNull final String aId, @NotNull final String aDisplayedText, @Nullable final CEventIcon aIcon);
The method returns the ID of the TreeNode. The ID is always a valid string and is set in the constructor.
@NotNull String getId();
Here the displayed text is returned. It is set in the constructor and can be empty.
@Nullable String getDisplayedText();
The optional icon is set in the constructor.
@Nullable CEventIcon getIcon();
The optional background of the TreeNode can be set explicitly.
@Nullable CEventColor getBackground(); void setBackground(final CEventColor aBackground);
The optional foreground of the TreeNode can be set explicitly.
@Nullable CEventColor getForeground(); void setForeground(final CEventColor aForeground);
Each node in a TreeView can have its own border.
@Nullable IBorder getBorder() void setBorder(final IBorder aBorder);
For each node in a TreeView a separate font can be set.
@Nullable CEventFont getFont(); void setFont(final CEventFont aFont);