
Each namespace has at least one thread, exactly one target registry, and exactly one nano service registry. They are the basis of applications, since applications with all their targets and local services must be executed multiple times and simultaneously in a node.
Target Registries
Namespaces have a Target-Registry. Targets - the Java objects that can receive messages - are registered in these target registries. During registration, the targets are given a unique address. The namespace ID is part of this address.
All messages in
Nano service Registries
Nano services are small services that can receive exactly one message.
They always belong to a namespace.
Nano services provided to the entire node are always registered in the SYSTEM
You can send messages directly to nano services.
For this you always need the namespace ID and the nano service ID.
Observers (target addresses) can be attached to nano services.
This is used for namespace-wide or node-wide notifications, since messages to nano services are basically sent to
observers of the nano service.
Namespace Registry
All namespaces are registered in a registry.
The Namespace Registry is a service in
Namespace Factory
Namespaces are created or deleted via the Namespace Factory.
The Namespace Factory is a service in