A result object combines an error code and an error text into a small class.
The default constructor creates a result with a code 0 (=SUCCESS) and an empty text.
public CResult();
There are constructors for taking a code and an optional text:
public CResult(final int aCode); public CResult(final int aCode, final String aText);
The copy constructor creates a copy:
public CResult(@NotNull final CResult aResult);
An exception can be passed directly. The code and the message are then taken from it.
In case of a normal Java exception, the code is missing, so it is replaced by CResultCode.EXCEPTION
public CResult(@NotNull final CException aException); public CResult(@NotNull final Throwable aT);
Adding the text
Adding the result text is analogous to forming a text with a StringBuilder:
public CResult append(final boolean aValue); public CResult append(final byte aValue); public CResult append(final char aValue); public CResult append(final double aValue); public CResult append(final float aValue); public CResult append(final int aValue); public CResult append(final long aValue); public CResult append(final Object aObj); public CResult append(final short aValue); public CResult append(final String aValue);
There are getters for the code and the text.
public int getCode(); public @NotNull String getText();
A combined text with code results in the following method:
public @NotNull String getCombinedText();
Since the object can be changed at any time, there are also setters:
public CResult setCode(final int aCode); public CResult set(final int aCode, final String aText);
Logging results
Here a result is logged if it is not successful:
public CResult log(@NotNull final ILogger aLogger);
A small static helper method checks if the result is meant successfully.
To do this, either the entire result must be null
, or the code must be 0
public static boolean hasSuccess(final CResult aResult);
A non-static method for this also exists:
public boolean isSuccess();