The message API of the target registry

These records belong to the target registry API:

Requests of the target registry API

Record Description
CRecordRegisterTarget Register a target.
CRecordDeregisterTarget Register a target.
CRecordGetTargetInfo Get information about a target.

Notifications of the target registry API

Record Description
CRecordStartTarget The first message a registered target will get.
CRecordNotifyTargetRegistered This nanoservice in the SYSTEM namespace will be triggered if a target has been registered.
CRecordNotifyTargetDeregistered This nanoservice in the SYSTEM namespace will be triggered if a target has been deregistered.
CRecordTargetMonitorNotifyTargetRegistered A messages used for listeners of the target monitor, will be sent if a target has been registered.
CRecordTargetMonitorNotifyTargetDeregistered A messages used for listeners of the target monitor, will be sent if a target has been deregistered.

Data records of the target registry API

Record Description
CRecordDataTargetInfo Target information used by CRecordGetTargetInfo.