Instead of using Java-like many exception types, we decided to take a different approach.
We use a class CException
, which is based on the class java.lang.Exception
To differ between different exception types we use a code and an optional text.
The most used constructor is the one with an integer code:
public CException(final int aCode);
Another constructor takes over an existing exception:
public CException(final Throwable aException);
The transfer of a message result is done like this:
public CException(@NotNull final CResult aError);
The text of the result is also transferred to the exception.
Adding the exception text
Adding the message text is analogous to forming a text with a StringBuilder:
public CException append(final boolean aValue); public CException append(final byte aValue); public CException append(final char aValue); public CException append(final double aValue); public CException append(final float aValue); public CException append(final int aValue); public CException append(final long aValue); public CException append(final Object aObj); public CException append(final short aValue); public CException append(final String aValue);
There are getters for the code and the text.
public int getCode(); public String getMessage();
Another method returns a combined message result:
public CResult getError();
A combined text with code results in the following method:
public String getCombinedText();