
The CRole class contains user role data and also provides transfer functions such as I/O in streams or conversion to a CRecord for sending messages.

The following data fields are included:

  • The ID (String)
  • The description of the role (String)
  • A flag that indicates whether this role should be protected against deletion (boolean)


The method creates an instance of the CRole class from a record of the type CRecordUserDbUserRecord.

public static CRole fromRecord(@NotNull final CRecord aRecord) throws CException;

toRecordsince Version 2.4

The method creates a record of the type CRecordUserDbUserRecord from an instance of the CRole class.

public CRecord toRecord() throws CException;

toStreamsince Version 2.4

The method writes an instance of the CRole class to a DataOutputStream.

public void toStream(@NotNull final DataOutputStream aStream) throws IOException;

fromStreamsince Version 2.4

The method reads a CRole class from a DataInputStream.

public static CRole fromStream(@NotNull final DataInputStream aStream) throws IOException, CException;


The class supports equals() and hashcode().
It implements Comparable<CRole>since Version 2.4.

See also