The API of the session management

The session manager is implemented in the NY_Session2PlugIn plugin as a microservice (ID = ccf168c1-f18b-4229-85f9-24461a19ee6a).

These records belong to the session manager API:

These messages belong to the Session Manager API, but are located in the kernel:

Record Description
CRecordSessionCreateRight Create a new right.
CRecordSessionExpired The message is an announcement and is sent to all nodes via broadcast. To receive it, an observer must be installed on the nanoservice of the same name in the SYSTEM namespace.
CRecordSessionGetLongToken Exchange short token for long token.
CRecordSessionLogin This record is used for the login of a user.
CRecordSessionLogout Quit a session.
CRecordSessionValidate This message checks a token for validity. If valid, the user ID and a list of the rights of this user are returned.
CRecordSessionManagementAvailable The message is an announcement and is sent to all nodes via broadcast. To receive it, an observer must be installed on the nanoservice of the same name in the SYSTEM namespace.

These messages belong to the Session Manager API and are located in NY_Session2API.jar:

Record Description
CRecordUserDbCreateUser Create a new user.
CRecordUserDbDeleteUser Delete a user.
CRecordUserDbChangePassword Change the password of a user.
CRecordUserDbGetUserRecord Fetch a database user record.
CRecordUserDbUpdateUserRecord Update a database user record.
CRecordUserDbGetUserList Fetches a list of all registered users.
CRecordUserDbAddRolesToUser Assign roles to a user.
CRecordUserDbRemoveRolesFromUser Revoke roles from a user.
CRecordUserDbCreateRole Create a role.
CRecordUserDbDeleteRole Delete a role.
CRecordUserDbGetRoleRecord Fetch a role description.
CRecordUserDbGetRoleList Fetch all available roles.
CRecordUserDbGetRightListForRole Get all permissions belonging to a role.
CRecordUserDbGrantRightToRole Grant a permission to a role.
CRecordUserDbRevokeRightFromRole Revoke a permission from a role.
CRecordUserDbDeleteRight Delete a permission.
CRecordUserDbGetRightList Fetch all known permissions.
CRecordUserDbGetRightRecord Get a right record.
CRecordUserDbGetRolesForUser Get all roles assigned to a user.
CRecordUserDbUpdateRight Update a right record.
CRecordUserDbUpdateRoleRecord Update a role record.

Data records of the session manager API

Record Description
CRecordUserDbUserRecord A user description.
CRecordUserDbRoleRecord A role description.
CRecordUserDbRightRecord A permission description.

Auxiliary classes

Class Description
CUser This class contains user data and also provides transfer functions such as I/O in streams or conversion to a CRecord for sending messages.
CRole This class contains user role data and also provides transfer functions such as I/O in streams or conversion to a CRecord for sending messages.
CRight This class contains user right data and also provides transfer functions such as I/O in streams or conversion to a CRecord for sending messages.