Non-Cloud-Based Web Applications

Real distributed micro frontends on mesh of nodes with <ss-rs1>Remote</ss-rs1><ss-rs2>Skin</ss-rs2>

Real distributed micro frontends on mesh of nodes with RemoteSkin

Almost no HTTPS

The web server of a node delivers a static HTML page, and then it goes back to sleep. All further content is loaded via a WebSocket connection, not HTTPS.

Almost no Cloud

The node with the web server plugin is installed in the cloud. The other nodes can run apart from the cloud so that the applications, the microservices and the databases can also run "at home".

100% Asynchronous Design

For maximum performance and scaling, all modules run asynchronously: nodes, plugins, applications, microservices, UI.

Granularity of microservices

In contrast to conventional REST microservices, services are small and manageable. Each node can load hundreds of them.

100% degree of distribution

Applications and services can be freely distributed across the node network. They communicate with each other and with the browser via messages.

High-performance communication

The asynchronous messaging between nodes is optimized for speed and data efficiency. Therefore, nodes can operate off the main data highways.


Integrate databases that do not operate in the cloud. Likewise machines or local software. A node in the immediate proximity and services that query data and forward it to the mesh - that's all you need.

Micro UI

Each dialog can be implemented as a microservice. Automatic scaling takes place at dialog level. It does not matter on which node a dialog is executed.

Nano UI

Each widget group can be implemented as a microservice: frequently used status bars, menus, control groups etc.

Simple integration of UI microservices

Integration takes place via a simple message and without configuration. Load balancing and service resolution are automatic. You just need to make sure that your plugin is running on some node.

Javascript and CSS for every UI microservice

You can record your own JavaScript and CSS scripts for each UI microservice. The scripts are removed when the UI element is removed.

No configuration

You can only control and use thousands of microservices if no configuration is necessary. The microservices only need to be present in the network. Service resolution is automatic.

Maximum scaling

A node network can scale as required. Additional nodes can be added during operation. We do not scale monoliths, but asynchronous services.

Maximum resilience

You can operate everything redundantly: Nodes, services, UI components. If a line fails, the messages use a different route. If a node fails, the other nodes and service instances survive.

Work scaling

Host UI dialogs where the team works. The team can monitor the nodes and intervene if necessary. It can independently distribute new versions and drive further development.