
The web application NodeManager graphically represents the node network as a mesh network. Individual nodes can be clicked, configured, and restarted.

The web app to configure single nodes


The app consists of the following plugins:

Plugin Description Size in KBytes (v2.3.0)
NY_00402_NodeManagerMainPlugIn A web dialog that displays the node network graphically and allows you to select individual nodes or links. 20
NY_00403_EditConfigFilesPlugIn A web dialog that allows you to create, delete or edit the configuration files of remote nodes. 16
NY_00404_EditPreferencesPlugIn A web dialog that allows you to create, delete or edit the configuration in the Java preferences of remote nodes. 27
NY_00315_CurrentUserPlugIn A widget that displays the current user and allows you to change the user record, change the password or log out. 12


The app can be hosted on any number of nodes.

See also: