Readme 2.1.0

The kernel consists of a single JAR file:

  • NY_Kernel-2.1.0.jar

The kernel requires two very small third party libraries:

from file size
JetBrains s.r.o. annotations-24.1.0.jar 30.570 bytes
Google json-simple-1.1.1.jar 23.931 bytes

You can find the kernel and the third party libraries in the lib directory.

All other functionalities of are loaded as plugins at runtime. You can find the plugins in the plugins directory.

The subdirectories sun, ceres, mercury, venus, moon and earth contain the start environments for the corresponding nodes. These are used for demonstration purposes.

  1. Node sun (microservice registry, application collector, ping collector)
  2. Node ceres (user database and session handler)
  3. Node mercury (applications)
  4. Node venus (dialogs)
  5. Node moon (web server, connect here)
  6. Last node: earth (RemoteSkin swing client, optional)

The sun, ceres, venus, mercury and moon nodes should be started first, in any order. To start a node, change to the corresponding subdirectory and start the shell script start_[nodeID]. Start the other nodes accordingly. You can now start the browser: http://localhost:8086/index.html. The last node you can start is the Swing client (earth).

RemoteSkin for the Web

A login dialog appears in which you enter the following credentials:

user: admin
password: sillysky

An application is started that enables other applications to be started. In the demonstration, this is only the user management application. You can enter and change users, roles and rights.

As only a memory database is used in the demonstration, the changes expire at program end.
The demonstration shows how distributed web and Swing applications are in a A small web server loaded as a plugin in a node near you (here: moon) is sufficient to connect to the network. The applications can be executed on any other node as a plugin (here: mercury). The application itself is little more than a small microservice. The dialogs, in turn, are other completely independent microservices that can be loaded on any node (here: venus). They also work without an application. In total, the user manager consists of 15 dialogs plus the application itself.
Dialog plugins of the user manager application
Name Type Size
NY_WebAppUserManagerPlugIn-2.1.0.jar application 18 KBytes
NY_00001_YesNoPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 9 KBytes
NY_00301_EditUserPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00302_AddRolesPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00303_AddUserPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00304_EditRightPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 11 KBytes
NY_00305_AddRightPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 11 KBytes
NY_00306_AddRolePlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 11 KBytes
NY_00307_EditRolePlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 11 KBytes
NY_00308_GrantRightsPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00309_ChangePasswordPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00310_UserListPlugIn-2.1.0.jar part of main dialog 16 KBytes
NY_00311_RoleListPlugIn-2.1.0.jar part of main dialog 15 KBytes
NY_00312_RightListPlugIn-2.1.0.jar part of main dialog 14 KBytes
NY_00313_RemoveRolesPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00314_RevokeRightsPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 12 KBytes
NY_00315_CurrentUserPlugIn-2.1.0.jar dialog 11 KBytes
Dialog plugins in use

Each dialog is started with a message, can communicate with the owner as required, can start further dialogs and sends a message with the result to the owner when the dialog is ended.

Each dialog communicates directly (and not via the application) with the browser and the session manager that provides the data. It retrieves the data it needs and changes the DOM of the website to display the UI. Each application and each dialog can also be loaded multiple times on different nodes. Load balancing takes place at application and dialog level.

Of course, you don't have to do this in the same way as in the demonstration. During development, you can also load all plugins, which are spread across a handful of nodes here, on a single node. We always load the plugins we are working on onto one node, while finished plugins run on one or more nodes nearby. You can also pack as many dialogs as you like into a JAR, or leave all dialogs directly with the application - your choice. You now have the opportunity to give your workgroups maximum independence.

RemoteSkin for Swing

When you start the Swing Client Node (earth), a login dialog appears. You need the following credentials:

user: admin
password: sillysky

After the connection is established, another dialog appears in which two demo applications can be started.

  • Widget-Showcase (A dialog that displays widgets and their configuration in JSON)
  • User-Manager (A dialog for managing users, roles and rights)

The last node (earth) is a client node and can be started multiple times. The applications can be started as often as desired.

Change it!

The demo environment is configured for use on one computer. If the nodes are to be run on different computers, the configuration files must be adapted. More nodes can also be added or removed. New nodes require unique node IDs.

License is not open source, because we work for 100% on our projects. While we give away non-commercial licenses at no cost, we charge a fee for each commercially used node.

For more information visit this page.


The JAR files (kernel, plug-ins) included in this download are fully operational and programmable. They have been compiled with Java 8; other Java versions are easily available on request (from Java version 8 upwards). Tell us what you need.

You can find more information and the documentation on We are happy to answer questions by email or in our forum. Have fun trying it out!

If you would like us to develop a new application for you, or if an existing application is to be enhanced by, please let us know. Let us know what you would like to spend on the work. Just send us an email

Michael Hoppe
August 09, 2024