With it, we retrieve information about available files. The key to the files is the provided relative path of the desired file.
This message is part of the FileRegistry API.
{ "id": "18124fad-2724-4d9f-bc85-1b835fde5a8d", "name": "FILE_REGISTRY_GET_FILE_INFO", "description": "Get information about a file from the file registry.", "slots": [ { "key": "path", "name": "PATH", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "true", "type": "STRING", "description": "The relative path of the file." }, { "key": "rec", "name": "FILE_INFO", "direction": "ANSWER", "mandatory": "false", "type": "RECORD_ARRAY", "description": "The information about files in the file registry.\nRecords are from type FILE_REGISTRY_FILE_INFO" } ] }
Send a request to the FileRegistry microservice.
final IId microServiceId = CIdFactory.fromObject("file.registry"); final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forMicroService(microServiceId); final CRecord record = CRecordFileRegistryGetFileInfo.create(); CRecordFileRegistryGetFileInfo.setPath(record, "lib\junit-4.10.jar"); sendRequest(env, record);
Receive the response.
// in constructor: addMessageHandler(CRecordFileRegistryGetFileInfo.ID, this::asyncGetFileInfo); // fetch microservice data from reply private boolean asyncGetFileInfo(@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { if (aEnvelope.getResult() .hasSuccess()) { final CRecord[] arr = CRecordFileRegistryGetFileInfo.getFileInfo(aRecord, null); if (arr != null) { for (final CRecord rec : arr) { final String path = CRecordFileRegistryFileInfo.getPath(rec, null); final String hash = CRecordFileRegistryFileInfo.getHash(rec, null); final Instant timeOfLastModification = CRecordFileRegistryFileInfo.getTimeOfLastModification(rec, null); final CTargetAddress sourceAddress = CRecordFileRegistryFileInfo.getSourceAddress(rec, null); //... } } } return true; } else { return false; } }