
The target address is assigned to a target when it has been successfully registered with the target registry. The target address is composed of a target ID (unique for a namespace) and the namespace address.


IDs and addresses


First follows a constructor with the passing of all four components:

public CTargetAddress(@NotNull final IId aTargetID,
                      @NotNull final IId aNamespaceID,
                      @NotNull final CNodeId aNodeId,
                      @NotNull final CSegmentId aSegmentId);

The SegmentId remains empty here. An empty NodeId or SegmentId is equivalent to specifying a local ID.

public CTargetAddress(@NotNull final IId aTargetID,
                      @NotNull final IId aNamespaceID,
                      @NotNull final CNodeId aNodeId);

The node address consists of a node ID and a segment ID.

public CTargetAddress(@NotNull final IId aTargetID,
                      @NotNull final IId aNamespaceID,
                      @NotNull final CNodeAddress aNodeAddress);

The node ID and the segment ID remain empty, so they are local.

public CTargetAddress(@NotNull final IId aTargetID,
                      @NotNull final IId aNamespaceID);

The namespace address consists of namespace ID, node ID and segment ID.

public CTargetAddress(@NotNull final IId aTargetID,
                      @NotNull final CNamespaceAddress aNamespaceAddress)

Factory Methods

The target address can also be created from a string. The structure of the string is described in the picture above.

public static CTargetAddress fromString(@Nullable final String aStr);

Similarly, the target address can also be created from the components (Integer, String, UUID) of the components:

public static CTargetAddress fromObject(@Nullable final Object aTargetID,
                                        @Nullable final Object aNamespaceID,
                                        @Nullable final Object aNodeId);

A random address can be created for test purposes.

public static CTargetAddress random();

Creating arrays of random target addresses can be done with this method. The size of the array can be specified, as well as whether the array may contain null values.

public static CTargetAddress[] randomArray(final int aSize,
                                           final boolean aWithNullValues);

An empty address is created in this way:

public static CTargetAddress getInvalidAddress();

Stream I/O

This method writes a target address to a stream. The target address can also be null.

public static void toStream(@NotNull final DataOutput aStream,
                            @Nullable final CTargetAddress aValue) throws IOException;

This can be used to read a target address from a DataInput stream. The read address can be null.

public static CTargetAddress fromStream(@NotNull final DataInput aStream) throws IOException;

String I/O

The target address can be converted into a string from which the address can be read again without loss. There is a static and a non-static variant.

public static String valueToString(@Nullable final CTargetAddress aValue);
public String valueToString()

The factory method discussed above is used for reading.

public static CTargetAddress fromString(@Nullable final String aStr);


The components can be fetched via getter methods.

public IId getTID();
public IId getNID();
public CNodeId getNodeId();
public CSegmentId getSegmentId();
public CNodeAddress getNodeAddress();
public CNamespaceAddress getNamespaceAddress();


Check whether a target address contains a valid target ID:

public static boolean hasValidTID(@Nullable final CTargetAddress aAddress);

This method does the same thing.

public boolean isValid();

Checks if the target address corresponds to the local node.

public boolean isLocalNode();

Convenience methods

Since a target address is immutable, there are a few methods to create a new address with modified components.

public CTargetAddress changeTID(@Nullable final IId aTargetID);
public CTargetAddress changeNID(@Nullable final IId aNamespaceID);
public CTargetAddress changeNodeId(@Nullable final CNodeId aNodeId);
public CTargetAddress changeNodeAddress(@Nullable final CNodeAddress aNode);

This method replaces empty namespaces ids, node ids and segment ids with the respective local ID. It returns null if nothing has changed.

public CTargetAddress getCompletedAddress();


The method checks if the target id matches the one in the address.

public boolean match(@Nullable final IId aTID);

The method checks if the namespace id matches the one in the address.

public boolean matchNid(@Nullable final IId aNID);

This method also checks for consistency:

public boolean match(@Nullable final IId aTID,
                     @Nullable final IId aNID,
                     @Nullable final CNodeId aNodeId,
                     @Nullable final CSegmentId aSegmentId);


CTargetAddress supports the equals and hashCode methods.

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