Revoke a right from a role in the user database.
This message belongs to the Session Manager API.
The Session Manager is part of the NY_Session2PlugIn plugin.
{ "id": "07da6820-ac45-4071-9296-950b17e5dfbd", "name": "USER_DB_REVOKE_RIGHT_FROM_ROLE ", "description": "Remove a right from a role.", "slots": [ { "key": "1", "name": "ROLE_ID", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "true", "type": "STRING", "description": "The id of the role." }, { "key": "2", "name": "RIGHT_ID", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "true", "type": "STRING", "description": "The id of the right." }, { "key": "3", "name": "RIGHT_IDS", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "true", "type": "STRING_ARRAY", "description": "An array of right ids to revoke from a role." } ] }
Sending the request
You need the microservice ID of the session manager:
public static final IIdSESSION_MICROSERVICE_ID = CIdFactory.fromObject("ccf168c1-f18b-4229-85f9-24461a19ee6a");
The own SessionToken is needed to verify the authorization for the change.
You need the permission NY_RevokeRight
In addition, the role id and the right id are required.
If you want to revoke several rights from the role, you can use the setRightIds()
private void revokeRightFromRole(final byte[] aToken, @NotNull final String aRoleId, @NotNull final String aRight) throws CException { final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forMicroService(SESSION_MICROSERVICE_ID ); env.setSessionToken(aToken); final CRecord record =CRecordUserDbRevokeRightFromRole .create();CRecordUserDbRevokeRightFromRole .setRoleId(record, aRoleId);CRecordUserDbRevokeRightFromRole .setRightId(record, aRight); sendRequest(env, record); }
Dealing with the response
To catch the response of the request, we need a message handler. We add it in the constructor of the message handler registry.
// constructor: addMessageHandler(CRecordUserDbRevokeRightFromRole .ID, this::asyncRevokeRightFromRole );
private booleanasyncRevokeRightFromRole (@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { final int resultCode = aEnvelope.getResultCode(); if (resultCode == CResultCode.SUCCESS) { // ... } return true; } return false; }