How to create an application

In the
An application can consist of a single dialog, or very many. Starting an application is as fast as calling a microservice. Applications can also communicate freely with their owner and with other applications. Therefore, dialogs can just as easily be designed as applications that are instantiated, used, and terminated by one or more other applications.
In order for applications to be freely distributed in the
An application consists of at least one target. How to create targets is described here. There are no further specifications.
package de.silly sky; import de.silly sky .nyssr.address.CNodeAddress; import de.silly sky .nyssr.address.CTargetAddress; import de.silly sky .nyssr.kernel.records.CRecordDismiss; import de.silly sky .nyssr.message.CEnvelope; import de.silly sky .nyssr.record.CRecord; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.UUID; class CApp extends CTarget { private final IDependencies mDependencies; private final UUID mInstanceId; private final CNodeAddress mRemote Skin ClientNode; private final CTargetAddress mRemote Skin Target; private final CStringProperties mProperties; CApp(@NotNull final IDependencies aDependencies, @NotNull final UUID aInstanceId, @Nullable final CNodeAddress aRemote Skin ClientNode, @Nullable final CTargetAddress aRemote Skin Target, @NotNull final CStringProperties aProperties) { mDependencies = aDependencies; mInstanceId = aInstanceId; mRemote Skin ClientNode = aRemote Skin ClientNode; mRemote Skin Target = aRemote Skin Target; mProperties = aProperties; addMessageHandler(CRecordStartTarget.ID, this::asyncStartTarget); addMessageHandler(CRecordDismiss.ID, this::asyncDismiss); } private boolean asyncStartTarget(@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { return false; } else {// TODO initialize app aEnvelope.setResultSuccess(); return true; } } private boolean asyncDismiss(@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { return false; } else { deregisterTarget(); aEnvelope.setResultSuccess(); return true; } } }
This is the skeleton for a target and thus also for an application. Note that the class package is private, i.e. it is invisible from outside the package. The class communicates exclusively via messages. Of course, a first message is CRecordStartTarget, which is used to start the target. As a second message a CRecordDismiss is implemented, with which the application is terminated.
As a best practice, we give the application an interface through which the class can fetch its dependencies. That is not part of the specification for applications, but it is helpful to use local services of the node in a highly asynchronous environment (see Package Initialization).
Furthermore, an instance ID is given, which we simply memorize.
The other parameters are optional.
The parameter a
is only required if this is a a
parameter is only required if this is a
We still need a factory to create the application. We create this factory in the same package, and it will also be package private.
package de.silly sky; import de.silly sky .nyssr.address.CNodeAddress; import de.silly sky .nyssr.address.CTargetAddress; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky .nyssr.exception.CException; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky .nyssr.message.CEnvelope; import de.silly sky .nyssr.namespace.INamespace; import de.silly sky .nyssr.namespace.INamespaceFactory; import de.silly sky .nyssr.record.CRecord; import de.silly sky .nyssr.service.IService; import de.silly sky .nyssr.service.IServiceRegistry; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky; import de.silly sky; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.UUID; class CAppFactory extends CTarget implementsIService { private static final UUID MY_APP_ID = UUID.fromString("3d34990f-ecd2-47d1-b621-2dfc786430fc"); private final IDependencies mDependencies; CAppFactory(@NotNull final IDependencies aDependencies) { mDependencies = aDependencies; addMessageHandler(CRecordStartTarget.ID,this::asyncStartTarget ); addMessageHandler(CRecordLaunchApplication.ID,this::asyncLaunchApplication ); } @Override public voidactivate (@NotNull final IServiceRegistry aServiceRegistry) throws Exception { final INamespaceFactory namespaceFactory = mDependencies.getNamespaceFactory(); final IId namespaceId = CIdFactory.random("MyAppName"); final INamespace ns = namespaceFactory.createAndRegisterNamespace(namespaceId, "NS for application ..."); ns.getTargetRegistry() .registerTarget(this); } @Override public voiddeactivate (@NotNull final IServiceRegistry aServiceRegistry) throws Exception { removeApplicationFactory(); deregisterTarget(); } private booleanasyncStartTarget (@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { return false; } else { registerApplicationFactory(); aEnvelope.setResultSuccess(); return true; } } private booleanasyncLaunchApplication (@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) throws CException { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { return false; } else { final UUID applicationId = CRecordLaunchApplication.getApplicationId(aRecord, null); if (!MY_APP_ID.equals(applicationId)) { aEnvelope.setResult(34578, "Unsupported Application ID"); } else { final CNodeAddress remoteSkinClientNode = CRecordLaunchApplication.getRemote Skin ClientNode(aRecord, null); final CTargetAddress remoteSkinTarget = CRecordLaunchApplication.getRemote Skin Target(aRecord, null); final CStringProperties properties = CRecordLaunchApplication.getProperties(aRecord, new CStringProperties()); final UUID instanceId = UUID.randomUUID(); final CApp tgt = new CApp(mDependencies, instanceId, remoteSkinClientNode, remoteSkinTarget, properties); final CTargetAddress address = getTargetRegistry().registerTarget(tgt); CRecordLaunchApplication.setAppInstanceId(aRecord, instanceId); CRecordLaunchApplication.setInstanceAddress(aRecord, address); } return true; } } @NotNull private CRecord createApplicationRecord() throws CException { final CRecord record = CRecordApplication.create(); CRecordApplication.setId(record, MY_APP_ID); CRecordApplication.setName(record, "MyApp"); CRecordApplication.setShortDescription(record, "A sample application"); CRecordApplication.setLongDescription(record, "A sample application"); CRecordApplication.setIcon(record, "apps/examples/exampleApp.png"); CRecordApplication.setPermissions(record, new String[]{}); return record; } private void registerApplicationFactory() throws CException { final IId microserviceId = CIdFactory.fromObject("NY_ApplicationFactoryCollector"); final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forMicroService(microserviceId); final CRecord record = CRecordAddAppFactory.create(); CRecordAddAppFactory.setApplication(record, createApplicationRecord()); CRecordAddAppFactory.setFactoryAddress(record, getAddress()); sendRequest(env, record); } private void removeApplicationFactory() throws CException { final IId microserviceId = CIdFactory.fromObject("NY_ApplicationFactoryCollector"); final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forMicroService(microserviceId); final CRecord record = CRecordRemoveAppFactory.create(); CRecordRemoveAppFactory.setApplicationId(record, MY_APP_ID); CRecordRemoveAppFactory.setFactoryAddress(record, getAddress()); sendRequest(env, record); } }
The factory implements the interface
and deactivate()
The two methods are called by the package initializer.
See also Package Initialization.
The application is not registered until the message handler for the CRecordStartTarget message, since the address of the target is known from the arrival of this message.
Before the target is deregistered in the deactivate()
method, it deregisters the application.
The application is launched with the arrival of the CRecordLaunchApplication message.
The message was forwarded from the application registry to our factory.
The application itself is merely a target that is instantiated and registered with the
target registry of a namespace.
In the example we use the same namespace in which the factory was registered, but of course you can change that.
It makes sense to have a separate namespace per application for larger applications.
You can see an example of namespace creation in the activate()
For completeness, the IDependencies interface is still missing. This interface is also package private, and it should be given to all classes of the application so that they can access the required system services.
interface IDependencies { INamespaceFactory getNamespaceFactory(); }
Now the package initializer is missing, where our dependencies are defined.
public class CPackageExampleCreateApp implements IServiceStarter, IDependencies { private IService mService; private INamespaceFactory mNamespaceFactory; @Override public void getDependencies(@NotNull final IServiceDependencyList aDependencyList) { aDependencyList.add(INamespaceFactory.class); } @Override public void start(@NotNull final IServiceRegistry aServiceRegistry) throws Exception { if (mService == null) { mNamespaceFactory = aServiceRegistry.getServiceOrThrow(INamespaceFactory.class); mService = new CAppFactory(this); mService.activate(aServiceRegistry); } } @Override public void stop(@NotNull final IServiceRegistry aServiceRegistry) throws Exception { if (mService != null) { mService.deactivate(aServiceRegistry); mService = null; } } @Override public INamespaceFactory getNamespaceFactory() { return mNamespaceFactory; } }
We also see the implementation of the IDependencies
interface here.
When the start()
method is called, the system has ensured that the service INamespaceFactory
already exists.
For this to be the case, the getDependencies()
method specifies this service.
The CPackageExampleCreateApp
class is instantiated and made known to the service registry in
the plugin initializer.
See also Package Initialization.