This message is used to register microservices.
This message belongs to the microservice registry API.
{ "id": "be46c53e-e544-4e76-8c44-01f8c144254c", "name": "REGISTER_MICRO_SERVICE", "isService": "false", "description": "Register a microservice.", "slots": [ { "key": "1", "name": "MICRO_SERVICE", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "false", "type": "RECORD", "description": "The record of a single microservice to register." }, { "key": "2", "name": "INSTANCE_ID", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "false", "type": "ID", "description": "Optional: The instance ID." }, { "key": "3", "name": "ADDRESS", "direction": "REQUEST", "mandatory": "false", "type": "TARGET_ADDRESS", "description": "Optional: The address of the microservice instance." } ] }
Example of use (after generating of the class CRecordRegisterMicroService):
private void registerMicroservice(@NotNull final CTargetAddress aAddressOfMicroserviceRegistry, @NotNull final IId aMicroserviceId, @NotNull final String aDescription, @NotNull final CRecord[] aAPI) throws CException { // aAPI is an array of records of type CRecordDescriptionOfRecord. // This record type contains record IDs belonging to the API and a short description. final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forSingleTarget(aAddressOfMicroserviceRegistry); // data final CRecord recDescription = CRecordMicroService.create(); CRecordMicroService.setId(recDescription, aMicroserviceId); CRecordMicroService.setDescription(recDescription, aDescription); CRecordMicroService.setApi(recDescription, aAPI); // create random instance ID final IId instanceId = CIdFactory.randomOfType(EIdType.UUID); // register data final CRecord recRequest = CRecordRegisterMicroService.create(); CRecordRegisterMicroService.setAddress(recRequest, getAddress()); CRecordRegisterMicroService.setInstanceId(recRequest, instanceId); CRecordRegisterMicroService.setMicroService(recRequest, recDescription); sendRequest(env, recRequest); }