With this message a target can be deregistered.
If you have direct access to the target, it is easier to call the ITargetRegistry.deregisterTarget() method.
<record id="33f72955-04bb-44e1-8da7-ec660de91244" name="DEREGISTER_TARGET" isService="true"> <description> Deregister a target asynchronously. </description> <namespaces>SYSTEM</namespaces> <slot key="nid" name="NAMESPACE_ID" answer="false" mandatory="true" type="ID"> <description>The namespace ID.</description> </slot> <slot key="tid" name="TARGET_ID" answer="false" mandatory="true" type="ID"> <description>The ID of the target to deregister.</description> </slot> </record>
Example of use of the class CRecordDeregisterTarget (after generating)
This method is an example of deregistering a target in its own node.
private void deregisterTarget(@NotNull final IId aNamespaceId, @NotNull final IId aTargetId) throws CException { final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forLocalNanoService(CWellKnownNID.SYSTEM); final CRecord record = CRecordDeregisterTarget.create(); CRecordDeregisterTarget.setNamespaceId(record, aNamespaceId); CRecordDeregisterTarget.setTargetId(record, aTargetId); sendRequest(env, record); }
This method is an example of deregistering a target in a remote node. The ID of the node is also required for this.
private void deregisterRemoteTarget(@NotNull final CNodeId aNodeId, @NotNull final IId aNamespaceId, @NotNull final IId aTargetId) throws CException { final CEnvelope env = CEnvelope.forRemoteNanoService(CWellKnownNID.SYSTEM, aNodeId); final CRecord record = CRecordDeregisterTarget.create(); CRecordDeregisterTarget.setNamespaceId(record, aNamespaceId); CRecordDeregisterTarget.setTargetId(record, aTargetId); sendRequest(env, record); }
To catch the reply, we need a message handler. We add it in the constructor of the message handler registry.
// constructor: addMessageHandler(CRecordDeregisterTarget.ID, this::asyncDeregisterTarget);
private boolean asyncDeregisterTarget(@NotNull final CEnvelope aEnvelope, @NotNull final CRecord aRecord) { if (aEnvelope.isAnswer()) { final int rc = aEnvelope.getResultCode(); if (rc == CResultCode.SUCCESS) { // ... } return true; } return false; }